We talk a lot about our partners – the Municipal Clinical Children’s Hospital No. 16 of Kharkiv. This medical institution has a hematology department where children with various blood and blood formation disorders, including oncohematological and oncological pathologies, are treated. Children from four regions receive treatment here: Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mykolaiv.
Throughout the year, an average of 800 patients receive assistance in the department. During treatment, patients often receive round-the-clock infusion therapy, including chemotherapy. To conduct this, medical staff use special devices – infusion pumps.
An infusion pump (infusomat) allows for the precise dosing of medications and solutions to patients with reliable accuracy. This is significantly different from the traditional use of drip systems. With the pump, medications can be administered into the vein at just 0.1 ml of fluid per hour.

During the active chemotherapy period, 2-3, sometimes even 4 infusion pumps are used, which are placed on a stand and assembled into an infusion station. This synchronizes the operation of the equipment. It allows for round-the-clock high-quality, convenient, and dosed infusion therapy without the human factor. As we know, equipment is not eternal, so the hospital turned to us for help.
At the same time, in faraway Austria, concerned people came up with a reuse campaign. Activists decided to collect old bicycles, sell them at a fair, and invest the money in a good cause – infusion pumps.

We thank the event organizers: the Ukrainian Youth Society in Austria (TUMA) and the social enterprise Trendwerk with its project “dieRadstation,” the Austrian environmental organization Global2000, and the team of the project @tschernobyl_kinder.at. We also thank all the concerned Austrians – former and new bicycle owners – for the opportunity to treat cancer-stricken children!

At the event, 25 bicycles were sold, and 2616 euros were raised. The infusion pump is already saving little Ukrainians!