Water purification systems provided by the Austrian foundation GLOBAL 2000 save lives during war!

We recently learned about a rescue story that actually began several years ago.

A water treatment system installed by the Austrian GLOBAL 2000 Foundation had broken down in a Kharkiv school. The city authorities know that we represent this foundation in Ukraine, so they approached us.

Of course, we asked why it was so important to repair the system. Schools in Kharkiv have been out of operation for a year now, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and constant shelling of the city and educational institutions.

It turned out that our water purification systems save lives even during the war! The school has opened a hot meal distribution point for the residents of the area. The food is prepared using water purified by our system.

Interestingly, the Global2000 Foundation has installed more than 100 water purification systems in Kharkiv and Luhansk oblasts. The assistance provided by the Austrians in the past years in faraway Ukraine has now become a lifeline. Thank you!

Photo provided by the school staff